Diagnosis test instructions

Welcome to our diagnostic test!

Our free test helps you assess the quality of your working relationships - whether they are internal (colleagues, managers) or external (clients, partners). It provides insights that might help you improve these relationships over time. You can use the test to assess up to five relationships such as those with clients, colleagues or suppliers.

What’s the Purpose of This Test?

This test helps you to reflect on how you feel about your professional relationships. Your answers will indicate to what degree you feel:

  • satisfied, engaged, motivated, or
  • stressed, indifferent, demotivated.

There are no right or wrong answers – this is about your personal experience. The test won’t offer specific solutions, but it can highlight which relationships may benefit from Tuning Up, or, at the very least, which relationships are in greatest need of it.

How Does It Work?

  1. You’ll answer questions about your sense of responsibility and control in each relationship.
  2. Your results then will be plotted on the Meikle Matrix.
  3. The output will explain what each part of the Matrix indicates and will offer thoughts on potential improvements of each relationship.

All your data will be anonymised and securely stored on our UK-based Web servers, following industry best practices.

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